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February 11, 2015 33 Arts, exhibits



ONLY $3135 TO GO!

Deadline May 15, 2015. We have raised $9700 so far. The budget will cover programmer and workshop stipends, materials for installation and team travel expenses.

I have been invited to the 12th Havana Biennial in Havana Cuba where I will collaborate with a team to present an indoor projection installation and  youth workshop. To learn more about the project see this post, then come back here to choose your sponsor plan. See the full pdf proposal here. $100 makes you a Pabellon Sponsor and gets you an original 4″ x 5″ color drawing that is part of the installation design for the Havana Biennial.  Or maybe you would like to be the Habanero Sponsor and come to Cuba with us? Join the team for the opening and dinner and a private tour of the Havana Biennial by the curator.  Check out the sponsor plans below and contact me for more information at All rewards will be delivered by end of June, 2015.

Azucar Sponsor $20

Show your support and receive a thank you card with a special line drawing from me!

Mojito Sponsor $45
(100 maximum-99 remaining)

Receive: A signed limited edition (1/100) 5″ x 8″ print from the Havana Series. All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.

Pabellon Sponsor $100
(50 maximum-49 remaining)

Receive: An original 4″ x 5″ study for the actual installation. Each drawing is part of a unique 1 of 50 numbered collection and created on the fabric that will be used for the actual projection. Each piece is handcrafted, dry mounted and ready for framing. (Photo gallery coming soon). All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.

Malecon Sponsor $500
(10 maximum- 9 remaining)

Receive: One signed limited edition print or one original art piece from the “Particle Window” series (appx 20′ x 25′). One signed official Havana Biennial poster. One signed official catalog of the “Between, Inside, Outside” exhibit. Studio visit in Taos after the exhibit for a recap and behind the scenes tour of the artists work. All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.

Vedado Sponsor #1 $1,000

Receive: If you get yourself to Cuba: Artist will give you a private tour of the exhibit, “Between, inside, Outside”. Join the Particles team for a fun dinner and evening out in Havana. Copy of the digital program for fun viewing at home. One signed limited edition large scale print (24” x 36”) from the artist’s Havana Biennial series. One signed official Havana Biennial poster. One signed official catalog of the “Between, Inside, Outside” exhibit. All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial. If you can not get to Havana: Studio visit in Taos after the exhibit for a recap and behind the scenes tour of the artists work. Copy of the digital program for fun viewing at home.  All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.

Vedado Sponsor #2  $1,000

Receive: An original large scale art piece from the “particle window” series, (appx 24 h x 48w). Studio visit in Taos after the exhibit for a recap and behind the scenes tour of the artists work. All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.

Habanero Sponsor $2,500 (SOLD)
(1 maximum)

Receive: Visa to travel to Cuba for the Havana Biennial (does not include flight or travel expenses). Reservations at hotel for Biennial guests  (*Not including Hotel fees). Private tour of the Havana Biennial led by Royce Smith, co-curator of the 2015 Havana Biennial. Invitation to the opening dinner for our collective exhibit, “Between, inside, Outside”. Name of individual or company logo on the official banner outside of the Havana exhibit hall. Name of individual or company logo in the official catalog of the “Between, Inside, Outside” exhibit. One signed limited edition large scale print (24” x 36”) from the artist’s Havana Biennial series. One signed official Havana Biennial poster. One signed official catalog of the “Between, Inside, Outside” exhibit. All artwork will be delivered by June 30, 2015, after the Havana Biennial.


$12,900  Total Budget $   9765  Raised

$ 3135   Remaining (as of 05/5/15) 

The budget will cover programmer and workshop stipends, materials for installation and travel expenses.

Havana Biennial 2015

February 10, 2015 16 Arts, exhibits

Time is accelerating as we prepare for participation in the 2015 Havana Biennial in Havana Cuba opening May 22, 2015. We have been invited to participate in a collective exhibit, “Between, Inside, Outside” which will take place in the Pabellon building in the district of Vedado. In this blog we will be documenting about the experience and sharing photos and videos from Havana (as internet allows)

The project that was accepted is called pARTicles: Merging projection art and particle physics. I am collaborating with an interdisciplinary team of programmers, artists, scientists, students and educators to investigate how we can create art and education interventions to explore emerging particle physics theories that are radically challenging our understanding of ourselves and our universe.

We believe that a personal understanding of new concepts about space, time, matter, and light can have a profound impact on the way we visualize and interact with the world around us. We are interested in this research personally, artistically and as a medium for positive social change.

Interactive Installation

In collaboration with visual artist/coder Marcel Schwittlick, we will produce an indoor installation that combines interactive components and projection art (see xtrees). In this piece I will explore my own experiences as a 1st generation Cuban, through the lens of particle physics.


In collaboration with Austrian artist/Tagtool app developer, Markus Dorninger we will offer a 3-day Projecting pARTicles youth workshop in Havana with eight high school students. Students in the Projecting pARTicles workshop will have the unique experience of an art/science exploration. Using iPads and the Tagtool App students create physics-inspired projection art and together we will engage the public in a series of projection interventions in the streets of Havana for the opening event.

Youth Mentorship

In collaboration with the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I will teach a course called International Practicum: Havana Biennial, which will allow four graduate students to become part of this project and event. They will assist me in Havana with photo/video documentation, the youth workshop and the projection interventions on opening night. Malu Velara will lead the photo/video documentation.

In preparation for this work, I have been invited to collaborate with Dr. Steve Goldfarb, physicist and educational outreach coordinator, at the ATLAS Experiment@CERN physics laboratory in Geneva. I will participate in a 2-week research stay in March 2015, which will inform and inspire the pARTicles series and the interactive design of the art installation.

Become a sponsor!

ATLAS Experiment@CERN

February 10, 2015 15 21st Century Resources, Arts


I am gearing up for my research stay at CERN, leaving Taos on March 1, 2015. Dr. Steve Goldfarb, physicist and Educational Outreach Coordinator at ATLAS has been collaborating with us on the Projecting Particles workshops. He is now preparing a series of visits and tours that will provide a crash course and immersive experience in particle physics. The Large Hadron Collider will fire up after a 2-year technical stop and I will be there for the big day.

On the CERN website they explain that, “For the first time on 9 December 2014, the magnets of one sector of the LHC, one eighth of the ring, were successfully powered to the level needed for beams to reach 6.5 TeV, the operating energy for run 2. The goal for 2015 will be to run with two proton beams in order to produce 13 TeV collisions, an energy never achieved by any accelerator in the past.  CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer says. “I’m looking forward to seeing what nature has in store for us”.

I am on the edge of my seat!